Oct 9, 2008

Light experiment...

Experimental cut paper. I enjoyed this piece. It kind of popped up as I walked past my drawing desk. I love those kind of moments...

It's difficult to differentiate yourself from others that create cut paper images. That's why it's fun to experiment. Adding things here and there. I still want to add more of my line drawings into these pieces.

Thanks for continuing to visit and your support. And thanks for walking down the experimental path with me. It's always nice to have good company.

(You can barely read it, but the words are from the song, "Cath..." by Death Cab For Cutie. My favorite song at this moment)


Here is an experiment of the same concept done in Illustrator. I kind of like it, but I think I like the more "tactile" version. If that makes sense. What do you think?

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